What's Your Next Small Step? Sustainability September - Hope 103.2

What’s Your Next Small Step? Sustainability September

Building a sustainable faith, environment, society and economy one step at a time. What's your next step?

By Hope 103.2Wednesday 6 Sep 2023Station NewsReading Time: 5 minutes

Sustainability refers to the ability to maintain or support a process continuously over time.

Sustainability in any area of life is a journey, each small step is part of creating a more sustainable life. We know sometimes it is hard to take that next step, however, it’s a little easier when we do it together. This September we are asking, what’s your next small step on your sustainability journey?

Let’s take our next sustainability step together this September

Wherever you are on your sustainability journey – it might be your first step in some areas or maybe you’ve been on this journey for a long time – let’s take the next step this month as a Hopeland community.

Find below some information, interviews, articles and resources you might find helpful to decide what your next step will be. Check back as we add more each week and tune into Hope 103.2 to hear our community progress and developing ideas.

Thanks to our friends at Lavilin who want to help us take a small step in sustainability, you can get a free sample of their herbal deodorant. Register for a free sample and you could win a $100 voucher to spend on any Lavilin products.


Faith is our foundation. Let each step in your faith journey – through the highs, lows and everything in between – be towards pursuing a sustainable faith.

What is your next step going to be?

Are looking for a daily devotional? Are you wanting to step into more in-depth devotional content? Perhaps it is taking a step into finding a church family. Below are some resources we hope will help sustain your exploration in and deepening your faith.

Real Hope devotionals

“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24

Explore different themes and be deeply encouraged and inspired each day with the Real Hope devotions.

Real Hope Jul, Aug Sep Cover Image (1200x480px)

Take the next step in your faith journey by delving deeper into the bible with one of our bible-based podcasts.

Psalm 23 1400x1400 take 2
Lords Prayer Hero Image
Everyday God Conversations podcast with Rev Dr Tania Harris
Hopeful Reflections Final

Morning Devotions with Chris Witts podcast square banner
Christian Growth with Simon Manchester podcast square banner
Real Hope - The Podcast cover art


“The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it.” Genesis 2:15

Join us as we take our next step to appreciate the wonderful world God created and endeavor to own the mantle he gave us to look after and sustain.

Science with Professor* Georgia

*Not an actual professor but does have a science degree!

Drive host Georgia Free uses some of her love of science to discover ways we can take a small and easy step in our sustainability journey. From the Kitchen to the backyard (or balcony).

Episode 1: Making a Meal with Fridge Leftovers
Episode 2: Insect Hotel

To see Geogia’s sustainable swap ideas go to the Hope 103.2 YouTube Channel.

Share your next step in your sustainability journey, and let us know over on our Instagram or Facebook by tagging it with #hope1032sustainablemonth

Latest stories

Check back each week for new interviews and articles

Win- Hero Image Sustainabililty mini ep(1200 x 480px)

Hope Book Club, Ep 62: Sustainability & Books

In this mini episode of the Hope Book Club, Georgia and Simone talk about sustainability – and books, delving into the complexity of publishing sustainably. Listen now

Family drinking water

Only Water for a Month? Young Aussies Accepting Safe Water September Challenge

Safe Water September is a challenge run by embody, a national community of young Australian Christians passionate about mission and social justice, to highlight the lack of safe, clean drinking water for billions across the world. Listen to the full interview on Hope Drive with Georgia Free

Busy lady checking wrist watch

Sustainability Tips for Busy People

Kylie Flament is an internationally recognised leader in zero waste and gave her top three tips to start living more sustainably. Listen to her interview on Hope Drive with Georgia Free

Oldies but goodies

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Should Christians Care About Creation Care?

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Colourful plastic spoons

How to Live More Sustainably (Without The Stress of Where to Start!)

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“Koalas Are in Trouble” But You Can Help Protect Them

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Turtle in the Great Barrier Reef Australia

High Amount of Microplastics Found in Great Barrier Reef

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Cooling the Schools program, a partnership between the NSW Department of Education and Greening Australia

Tree Planting Gives Students Active Role in Saving the Environment

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Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration system

Deforestation to Reforestation: An Agriculturalist Helping the Planet One Tree at a Time

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Fruit and vegetables, groceries in paper bags

NSW’s Bold Ban: “Let’s Go Plastic Free”

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‘2040’ Movie Casts A Bold Vision of How 20 Years Could Reshape Planet Earth for the Better

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Finance (Economy and Society)

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17

Creating a sustainable society both locally and globally is nuanced, complex and can seem overwhelming. We speak to experts about the various topics related to sustainability in the economy, society and finances to help us all work out what our next step is.

If you care about the value and impact of money in your life, welcome to our Money: Faith & Finance podcast – your weekly pay-off of fun, financial banter. From the World Bank to your wallet, superannuation to stewardship, Hope 103.2’s Ben McEachen and accountant Pete Burrows lay bare the profit, loss and real balance sheet of wherever money intersects with us all.

Money Podcast Faith and Finances 2023 updated

Latest stories

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Cool Australia teaching sustainability in schools (1)

How to Teach Sustainability in Schools: Free Resources

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Volunteering Isn’t Just About Helping, it’s Community Building

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Tearfund Australia's They Shall Inherit the Earth report cover

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Tony Rinaudo

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Feed the Hungry and World Food Day October 16

Food Wastage is Contributing to Global Hunger Problem

Peter Gillies, former guitarist of New Empire

Drop the Notion of “Making It”, Says Musician-Turned-CEO Pete Gillies

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Christ Mission Possible's The Brown Paper Bag program providing free lunches for kids in need at Sydney Schools

Charity Changing Lives of School Students Through Free Lunch Bags

Older woman looking out contemplating

Older Women Most At Risk: Homelessness Week

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Take steps forward with some of our partners who are already doing wonderful work in the realms of sustainability, both at home and around the world.

Opportunity International

“Cook up a curry and share it with friends.”

The Great Australian Curry supports micro finance programs that are run around the world. It’s a smart, scalable and sustainable way to end poverty, once and for all.