Build Hope for the Future - Hope 103.2

Build Hope for the Future

Build Hope for the Future

Hope Media Gifts in Wills Program

A legacy that will have a generational impact

In this world that is ever changing, where the need for hope and connection continues to grow, including Hope Media Ltd in your Will enables the ministry to continue to reach people with the message of Hope when and where they need it.

Leaving a gift to Hope Media Ltd in your Will allows the ministry to step with confidence into new technologies and opportunities that will enable us to share experiences of God’s love with people within the city of Sydney and beyond.

Why leave a gift in your Will?

We understand that creating a Will is one of the most personal and important steps you’ll ever take. It is a reflection of your values and the legacy you want to leave for your family and friends.

A gift to Hope Media Ltd is an investment in future generations. Generations you may never meet but who still need to have access to a message of hope. An everlasting hope that is found in Jesus. Your gift will bring real hope to future generations.

Thank you for being the constant encouragement for generations. My Grandma is 96 and needs her radio. My mum listens in her car, my sister listens with all her kids and I look forward to getting in my car. Hearing the devotionals and songs help us live lives that are pleasing to God. Thank you for pointing to Jesus in a world that pulls us away from him. – Heather

How to include Hope Media Ltd in your Will

Gift a specific amount
This is the simplest form of bequest which provides a specific amount of money for Hope Media Ltd for general use as needed. However, it does have the disadvantage of not allowing for inflation or the depletion of your assets. To compensate in this instance, it is advisable to review your Will regularly.

Gift the residue
After carefully making provision for your family and friends, you may decide to leave the residue of your estate to Hope Media Ltd.

Gift an asset
This allows for a specific asset or assets to be left to Hope Media Ltd. However, if the assets are disposed of without the Will being reviewed it may cause complications to the beneficiaries of your Will.

Suggested wording for your Will

I bequeath (free of all duties)
____ percent of my estate
the sum of $ [insert value of your gift]
the residue of my estate
(specific assets) of my estate
… to Hope Media Ltd (ABN: 94 284 074 898) with written acknowledgement of the Chief Executive Officer or Chairman of the Board or Secretary of Hope Media Ltd to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.

Planning for the future

Perhaps you have already decided to include Hope Media in your Will, or you are in the process of updating an existing Will containing a gift to Hope Media. We would love the opportunity to say hello and say thank you for your planned support of the ministry. You can call us on 02 9854 7000 or send an email to

Write your Will with Safewill

To give our Australian supporters the opportunity to write their own Will, Hope Media Ltd has teamed up with Safewill, one of Australian’s leading online Will writing services.

Click here to find out more about Safewill.

Safewill with Georgia photo