She Wasn't Born Yesterday - Hope 103.2

She Wasn’t Born Yesterday

She Wasn’t Born Yesterday

How do you deal with the ‘pause’? How do you know you’re dating someone with a narcissistic personality disorder?

How do you move on from divorce? Behind the scenes of a 40+ influencer and how to reverse the aging process, are just a few topics tackled.

She Wasn’t Born Yesterday features Janet Evans, a former M&C Saatchi advertising creative and Dr Amelia Haines, a sexual and relationship therapist, who have written Australia’s first book on empty nest syndrome called Empty Next.

“So many unique issues affect women of our age, including empty nest syndrome, and nothing’s off limits in SWBY! We really dive headfirst into them, but hopefully with lightness and relevant wit where possible,” Janet commented.

“We were incredibly lucky to chat to some very high profile guests, including CEOs of important organisations, who shared their expertise with us and our audience.”

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