Hope Drive | with Chris Jolly | Hope 103.2

Drive with Chris Jolly

Drive with Chris Jolly
Weekdays, 3pm-7pm

3pm to 7pm

Hope 103.2 Drive will help you tune out the traffic on your way home – Keeping things light and uplifting, and always with a good story to tell!

Enjoy your drive home with Chris Jolly, your go to for upbeat, odd and inspirational stories, with a bit of science and technology thrown into the mix. Tune out the traffic noise and tune in to Hope 103.2 Drive.

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About Chris

Chris grew up in Sydney and studied Science at uni – because you know, it’s the smart thing to do! – before working in IT for 15 years.

It was only recently that he decided to follow his other passion… talking! Then, in 2023, (seemingly) out of nowhere, Chris went from being a lifelong non-Christian to a passionate, born again Christian. It all happened pretty fast, and in under a year he found a loving church family, married his long term partner, got baptised and is now the host of Hope 103.2 Drive.

Chris is like the guy you chat with every morning in the coffee line; keeping things light and uplifting, and always with a good story to tell!

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