Share Your Story Today! –

Share Your Story Today!

Share Your Story Today!

Your story matters.

And you’ll be growing hope as you share your journey with your Hopeland family.

You can write your message in the form below. Let’s celebrate your story – because you’re a vital part of your Hope community.

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“By being there for others like God was there for me, is to spread the love of God”

Hope 103.2 listener Abhijit shares about how he and his new wife were unexpectedly separated by an ocean due to the pandemic…

These are your Stories of Hope, the impact your Hope 103.2 is having on lives across Sydney and beyond. We hope you are encouraged, inspired, and reminded of just how much God loves this city, you and your loved ones.

If you would like to share your Story of Hope please contact the Hope 103.2 team today. We update this page a few times each year so that you can continue to come back and connect with your Hopeland community through each other’s testimonies.

Hope 103.2 is community-funded media – it’s your station and needs you to keep it going.

I love how welcoming Hope is to all of the Sydney community and beyond. Faith inspired and helping people where they are at. The heart of Jesus in action. Hearing Hope 103.2 again on my commute has made me really appreciate how much Hope does give to us, on and off the air. I have been meaning to support Hope and today was just the icebreaker. – Laura

Hope 103.2 is there to remind us that God is always there no matter what the circumstance is. – Friend of Hope

I live alone and without Hope I would be lost. God’s love is worth more and without Him in my life I don`t think I would be here. Many thanks to the crew at Hope 103.2 for their inspiration and care for love. God knows we all need that Motivation. – Frank

Hearing hope makes me felt encouraged and loved. I would love more people listening to hope and sharing the love to those who are in need. – Friend of Hope

It’s the only radio station I trust around my children and reinforces the message God is real in a world that tries to convince them otherwise. – Zeina

Hope 103.2 is very special to me. Upon reading in a journal I kept from teenagehood I realised that all the teachings had directed me back to my love of Christ. I was in a dark season of my life and every time I listened to Hope there was a song, devotional or even conversation between listeners that made me feel like I was a part of a community. When I was too scared to reach out I heard vulnerable people share their stories and when I was discouraged I heard of the hope that God had done in other’s lives. It is the only radio station that plays wholesome music and brings you to tears or fills you with joy. I love Hope 103.2 and as I read another listener’s story they said it is a station to be heard for generations. My parents first started listening to it and now I, and I hope my son will too. – Katrina

Support Your Hope 103.2

Make today your day to Hope for Tomorrow

There is hope for a better day tomorrow, for a better future for your family, your friends, your neighbourhood. Hope for a world in which love overcomes fear – and people are not divided but instead united.

I’ve had 103.2 on my heart lately, thinking how crucial it is to have the light of hope continuing as Jesus leads His church from strength to strength. Thank you for the positivity of all the announcers and for the professionalism that is shown right across the board. God bless as you move forward to be even better than before. – Friend of Hope

My day starts by reading Verse of the Day, a wonderful reminder of the truth and encouragement of God’s Word. The Real Hope devotion is also a great source of encouragement. – Darryl

At the moment I’m recovering from the successful outcome of a Fair Work Commission hearing regarding Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace. Hope 103.2 helped me daily. I’m preparing to go back into the workforce. – Friend of Hope

Hope 103.2 has been a great companion to me throughout the years and has comforted me and given me hope in my down times and been a great joy every day. I want it to keep on going not just for myself but for many other people out there who need hope and joy in their life. God bless this great work. – Lori

Sometimes this life is not easy, yet, I am always encouraged by the great message of hope in Christ that comes from this radio station. God clearly uses Hope 103.2 to encourage His people to live for Christ and also to reach the unsaved. Keep up the great gospel work! – Jack

The Lord has blessed me so many times this year with the hard copy of the 103.2 devotionals. Then, I received the notice to help cover the financial shortfall. It was a 1+1 moment. God bless you all. Stay faithful to Him and His Word. ? – Friend of Hope

To ensure that my children and grandchildren will have Hope 103.2 to enhance their spiritual growth. – Friend of Hope

I love that I can confidently turn to 103.2, knowing I and my family will hear only positive, hopeful, joyful voices and messages. May God continue to bless you all and your work. – Marilyn

Thank you for spreading the word and the love of our wonderful Saviour Jesus. Giving is my way of using my “talent” to glorify Jesus, through hope 1032. Hope is a reminder to Christians and non-Christians that there is a God who loves us deeply and who is working in our lives every single day. God is using Hope 103.2 to touch hearts, to heal the sick, mend the broken and comfort the afflicted. If us Christians don’t support Hope 103.2 then who will? – Sunita

It’s a Christian channel to share the love of God in the air. People’s lives had been transformed (recently 2-3 days back I heard a story of a man’s life transformed while at prison listening to this station). This has been a channel of blessing to comfort and support the community. May God continue to bless your work. – Friend of Hope

Hope is so desperately needed in our broken world, a world that seems harder, more broken every day. Thank you Hope 103.2 for being that ever constant presence, reminding us of Jesus and just keeping us company. You don’t fully appreciate what it means until you are in danger of losing it. Keep up the good work. – Janice

Keep Your Hope 103.2 Going

I Want to Support the Work of Hope 103.2

The Work of Hope 103.2

When you give a gift to Hope 103.2, you are supporting more than what you hear on-air – you are financially supporting a multimedia organisation trying to bring a message of hope, and connect communities in that one hope, to the people of Sydney and further thanks to ever-growing digital spaces. Read more

Hope 103.2 - Work_Mission

Uplifting and encouraging radio is pretty special. Driving to and from work provides a time to think, pray, be challenged and laugh. I’ve been listening for countless years and my faith has been increased as God’s love has been communicated so clearly through everyday people and situations. – Viv

I am a single mother with two children with extra needs. There have been times when I did not see the hope and did not sense his presence. Your station has been the voice constantly reminding me that his love has never left me alone. I wish everyone can keep the light in their heart and always remember that there is a hope ahead. – Friend of Hope

Hope 103.2 has been my whole family inspiration .It gives the family strength in the morning when driving kids to school. I have been listening for over decade now but unfortunately because I listen to you guys in the car and always busy running to my destinations I hardly get time to pull over to donate, but my 11-year-old girl Amy who is in love with the station just came to wake me up and said, “Daddy don’t forget this time, they are not fully funded.” We had planned to give today but I returned from work tired and fell sleep but little girl was awake for Hope. – William

The emails and hope devotionals are there for me if I need to reach out for God’s word. I’m not very good at sticking to Bible reading plans, so your emails make sure I don’t slip too far away from reading God’s word. I feel that His word is so important to my daily life. It’s too easy to get distracted by all the awful things happening in this world or by family concerns. God’s word anchors me. – Friend of Hope

Why does Hope 103.2 fundraise?

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