What is Pentecost Sunday and What's It Got To Do With Me? - Hope 103.2

What is Pentecost Sunday and What’s It Got To Do With Me?

Celebrated this year on June 5, the annual shout out to a Spirit-filled moment should change the way we live. Every day.

By Ben McEachenFriday 3 Jun 2022Hope MorningsFaithReading Time: 1 minute

Pentecost Sunday is remembered and celebrated on Sunday, June 5.

It’s OK. You are allowed to ask: “Um, what’s Pentecost Sunday?”

You might also want to follow up with: “Is it only for ‘Pentecostal’ Christians? Does it have any bearing on anything we do, any day of the week?”

Bill Salier is the former head of YouthWorks College, Sydney, and is an international consultant with a global network of Anglican Bible Colleges.

Bill also wrote That’s The Spirit on The Gospel Coalition.

He spoke with Hope Mornings about the history and impact of Pentecost Sunday. Yes, this longstanding day of celebration is for you, and not just on one Sunday every year.

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Listen to the full interview with Bill in the player above.