Spend an evening with John North, the man behind the voice that helps you spend time with God each morning on Hope 103.2

Key points:

You will be spiritually encouraged and challenged as John shares his personal journey with God and the things that have shaped his life.

Hear the passion that propelled John into the ministry of Ambassadors for Christ International.

John will be available to personally sign the copy of GrowthWorks you will receive on the night.

GrowthWorks is John’s book written to help you understand the whole process of spiritual growth and how to get that growth happening in your life.

Access to Ambassadors for Christ resources at a heavily discounted rate. These resources are helping many Christians begin sharing Jesus with those around them in a very natural way.

You’ll also have the opportunity to meet the team of Ambassadors that work with John at AFCI.

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Monday 25th November, from 7:00pm – 8:30pm


Parramatta Baptist Church, 84 Kleins Rd Northmead


Registration for this event is essential. Tickets are $25 and you can register at afci.com.au/johnnorth

Time with God with John North podcast hero banner

Time With God is a five-minute Bible-based devotion for anyone keen to start their day with God’s word and grow deeper in their faith.

Presenter John North, director of Ambassadors for Christ Australia, was born in India to Aussie missionary parents and grew up in the USA. He’s passionate about applying the Bible to daily life.

Airing 6am weekdays on Hope 103.2 and Inspire by Hope103.2, or listen online and via Apple Podcasts.

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