“Did you see the map of where they were?”
“I know, it’s crazy, this is crazy.”
“The terrorists are right here, we need to have a lockdown drill.”
Watercooler conversation has changed a lot in the last week.
Two key events occurred and it happened:
First the Australian government raised the local terror threat from medium to high, then police conducted suburban raids on the homes of people linked to terrorist activity.
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Fifteen arrests later (of which 9 people were released), and suddenly Australia doesn’t feel the same. Especially if you live in a capital city.
When you listen to news bulletins that begin and end with updates about beheadings and ‘random attacks’, padded with fresh facts of government tensions it’s no wonder people are a little on edge waiting for a whale pod to pass by the coast we can gawk at.
Discussion at uni has turned from “Oh my gosh are you going to Conception Day?”, to “My God, can you believe what’s happening?”
For some of today’s generation this is the first sign of terror they’ve seen. In 9/11 they were babies, we were still in high-school and our grandparents were hung up on the war. The wretchedness of the extremes people are going to, and the sheer level of evil activity that seems to be worsening is felt fresh and deeply. There aren’t the stories of experiences lived through and survived and wisdom gained.
In it all, a large majority of people are asking what the heck do we do?
I find myself thinking about peace. About safety. About what I love, and death. Fear. I feel calm, but unsure how to explain myself.
Driving home tonight I thought about what everyone’s afraid of. As terrorists get closer, what are they really worried about?…When it comes down to it, I realised they’re afraid of death. The worst thing a terrorist can do is kill you. It’s not a nice thought, and is rightly unsettling.
So what next?
We know life must go on – I have work, you have work, assignments are due, and I’m still planning to go to Portugal in 2016.
But how do we live a peaceful life in a world raging with panic?
We have to resolve our fear of death in the only source of ultimate Life. Jesus Christ. (I’m serious, don’t roll your eyes).
He didn’t just preach ‘life’ He IS Life. Peace wasn’t just part of His sermons, it’s who He is.
The name of God and the place of Christ is so abused and misappropriated for twisted causes the world over at the moment, whatever your religious background. Yet at the core of it a simple offer still remains: “I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” “Now choose life.” And it isn’t the kind of life that is fleeting, it is life eternal.
Often in times of stress and uncertainty we try to comfort each other, even ourselves, with an acknowledgement of our inability to do anything. You can’t change it, you’re not in control, “just relax”. …but I don’t want to be calm just because I can’t directly do anything – I want to be calm because I know Christ already did something; He gave His life so that when I lose mine it’s not into the pit of hell. He said. “I am Peace, come rest with me”.
His promise is that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:8). If you’re feeling anxious make the first move and get closer to peace.
All of us are going to die at some point, and being Christian doesn’t exempt us from calamity – we know it’s not true. But man alive, when my time comes, I want to be found so busily preoccupied in God’s plan and purpose for my life, fear was left flaying in the background.
I’m not saying avoid caution or sensibility, we have to be responsible. I’m saying choose Life and choose what voice you let guide you. You were born into this earth with a God-given plan and purpose, a future and a hope. He has your days marked out for you, ready and waiting. Focus on Him.
How do you have peace in a panicked world?:
1. Resolve your fear of death by choosing Life (John 3:16, Romans 10:9).
2. Draw near to God and let Him draw near to you (James 4:8).
3. Ask Him what He sees for your life and chase it with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:11).
*Originally published on The Connect Press
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