The Sabbath Points to Jesus - Hope 103.2

The Sabbath Points to Jesus

The Sabbath in the Bible serves as a foreshadowing and reflection of Jesus, our ultimate source of rest, redemption and freedom.

By Hope 103.2Friday 8 Mar 2024Real Hope – The PodcastChristian LivingReading Time: 2 minutes

When we think of the Sabbath, some will feel guilty because they know they should have a day of rest but don’t, others will hold to it strictly, and some will disregard it as outdated and unnecessary.
Key points
  • For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. (Matthew 12:8 NIV)
  • Sabbath is observed weekly on Saturdays and serves as a foreshadowing and reflection of Jesus.
  • Listen to the Sabbath Rest series and others on Real Hope | The Podcast.

The Sabbath, observed weekly on the seventh day (which is Saturday) in Judaism, holds profound significance in pointing to Jesus in the Bible.

“For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” Matthew 12:8 (NIV)

Rest and Redemption: The Sabbath represents rest from work, mirroring God’s rest after creating the world in Genesis. Jesus offers spiritual rest and redemption from sin through His sacrifice on the cross, providing the ultimate rest for us.

Lord of the Sabbath: In the New Testament, Jesus declares Himself the ‘Lord of the Sabbath’, signifying His authority over it and showing His divinity.

The Sabbath in the Bible serves as a foreshadowing and reflection of Jesus, our ultimate source of rest, redemption and freedom.


Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week (Sunday), which became our day of worship. This transformation from the seventh day to the first points to a new creation in Christ, fulfilling the Sabbath’s foreshadowing of renewal.

Freedom from Legalism

Jesus challenged the legalistic Sabbath observance of His time, emphasising that the Sabbath was made for humanity, not humans for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27). He symbolises liberation from rigid rules and rituals, emphasising a relationship with God based on faith and grace.

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The Sabbath in the Bible serves as a foreshadowing and reflection of Jesus, our ultimate source of rest, redemption and freedom.

Listen to this episode in the player above.

Sabbath Rest is a six-week series inviting listeners to incorporate this Biblical practice into their everyday life. Subscribe to the YouVersion plan.

Subscribe to listen to this series and others on Real Hope | The Podcast.

Feature image: Photo by CanvaPro

Episode supplied with thanks to Aaron Wright.

Originally published as ‘The Sabbath Points to Jesus’ in Real Hope, Jan-Feb 2024.