By Hope 103.2Tuesday 30 Apr 2019How in God's Name Should I Vote?FaithReading Time: 2 minutes
We Australians can be a funny bunch – when it comes to politics we’re often more interested in the quality of our democracy sausage than the quality of our democracy.
Combine politics with faith, and then you’ve really got something combustible: the ultimate no-win, conversation-killing, relationship-wrecking social sin.
Or is it?
From today and over 5 half-hour episodes, host Andrew Palmer will bust open this social phobia.
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We’ll talk to key influencers from all sides of politics. We won’t tell you who to vote for, but we will explore some of the most compelling questions for Christians to think about:
- Shouldn’t I just vote for the Christian guy?
- What does it mean to use my vote for others?
- What’s wrong with one-issue voting?
- How do we maintain civility in our conversations, especially online?
- How is social media influencing me?
- After the election, how do I stay engaged?
- What is the role of protest and activism?
Guests include:
- Jim Wallis, American author of ‘God’s Politics’ and Editor of Sojourners Magazine
- Tim Costello, executive director of Micah Australia and former CEO of World Vision
- John Dickson, founding director of the Centre for Public Christianity
- Max Jeganathan, Asia Pacific director for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and former policy advisor to Bill Shorten
- Brooke Prentis, spokesperson of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Team for Common Grace
- Carolyn Kitto, director of Stop the Traffik
- John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and former leader of the National Party
- Mike Frost, author, theologian, and head of missiology at Morling College
- Mark McCrindle, award-winning social researcher, best-selling author, and influential thought leader
- Ruth Powell, director of the National Church Life Survey (NCLS)
- Peter Martin, former economics editor of The Age newspaper
- Martyn Iles, managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby
- Jo Knight, national advocacy co-ordinator for TEAR Australia
- Michael Kellahan, executive director of Freedom for Faith
- Vikki Howorth, board member for Micah Australia and social justice pastor in the Baptist Churches of Australia
- Brad Chilcott, founder of Welcome to Australia