Got Resilience Fatigue? Entrepreneur Lorraine Murphy Gets to the Root of Rest - Hope 103.2

Got Resilience Fatigue? Entrepreneur Lorraine Murphy Gets to the Root of Rest

Lorraine joined the UNDISTRACTED podcast to talk about how to adapt to life’s changing seasons, redefine your identity and restore resilience.

By Laura BennettMonday 8 May 2023UNDISTRACTEDPodcastsReading Time: 1 minute

Have you noticed within your social circles a deeper sense of weariness? It may not be true for everyone, but anecdotally there seems to be an enduring sense of collective exhaustion: the trauma of 2020 is yet to clear, the cost of living is unsettling, and we just don’t feel like ourselves.

Lorraine Murphy is an award-winning entrepreneur, best-selling author of Remarkability, speaker and mum of two. She started her first business – The Remarkables Group – in 2012 before selling it in 2017 to focus on what she calls her “soul on fire work” of writing, speaking and mentoring.

According to Lorraine, the issue we could be coming up against is “resilience fatigue”.

“We can deal with the stuff coming our way, but after a while we just can’t bounce back as easily as we normally would,” Lorraine said.

“The big thing to focus on, is how we can – in advance of anything happening – proactively build up those resilience reserves.”

“How we can – in advance of anything happening – proactively build up those resilience reserves,” – Lorraine Murphy

Originally from Ireland, then migrating to Australia and now living in Spain, Lorraine has a knack for helping people draw out their best qualities and understand the unique ways we can apply them to life. She joined the UNDISTRACTED podcast to talk about how to adapt to life’s changing seasons, redefine your identity and restore resilience.

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