One unassuming winter’s morning, Breakfast duo Ally & Brendan were talking about the annual City 2 Surf fun run, which sees eager serious runners, social joggers and enthusiastic walkers wind their way 14km from Sydney CBD to Bondi Beach.

During the show it quickly went from “how funny would it be to do the City 2 Surf” to “we are now going to compete against one another in next year’s run”.

And, so the Ally Vs Brendan Challenge Series was born.

From now and throughout next year, our Brekky hosts will complete 12 challenges in the lead up to the City 2 Surf 2023, where they will compete against one another.

Stay tuned for updates and videos on each challenge and feel free to pick a team!

Who will take out the series and be crowned the the Breakfast City 2 Surf Champion – #teamAlly or #teamBrendan?

Of course, they would love you to join the challenge as well but there will be more on #teamHopeland closer to the event.

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Challenge Three: Speed Sewing Stocking

Winner: Brendan

Challenge Two: Balloon Popping

Winner: Brendan

Challenge One: The Ultimate Beep Test

Winner: Ally

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