With computers in our pockets and the world at our fingertips, we are a generation with more access to creative opportunity than any other. The gap between our ideas and ability to execute them is consistently narrowing, and we have little excuse not ‘seize the day’ …we think.

Life: iGods and the technological reshaping of our lives

And we are right but were interrupted. The devices in our hands distract us from the very reason we picked them up, and we end on an unproductive rabbit trailing saying, “Wow that was funny, but wait …what was I doing again?”

Sometimes these moments can offer inspiration – and then there’s a beauty in being able to find something to didn’t know you were looking for – but have you considered the affects of technology beyond its manipulation of time?

Filmmaker Craig Detweiler, Ph.D., is the Director of the Center for Entertainment, Media and Culture at Pepperdine University in Malibu. His latest book ‘iGods: How Technology Shapes Our Spiritual and Social Lives’ explores technologies’ vast influence, considering its personal impact.

Detweller recently spoke with Mornings host Katrina Roe to talk about the Christian’s approach to being intentional with technology, and how good stories find their voice in a saturated media environment.


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