Are you or a loved one walking through anxiety, depression, or both? Often, Christians struggle to face mental illness, as we may feel it’s somehow at odds with our faith. But we are all human, just as frail and prone to suffering as anyone else. Thankfully, God’s word, psychology and medicine, all offer great hope and solutions for those who are suffering. We hope the articles and interviews below bring you great encouragement.
Christians With Anxiety? It’s More Common Than You Think
Despite how common anxiety is, many Christians with anxiety struggle with an added layer of guilt or shame. But there’s no shame in seeking help, says theologian Paul Grimmond.
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There is Hope for Christians Battling Anxiety: A Chat with Paul Grimmond
It wasn’t until he had some terrifying panic attacks, that Paul Grimmond realised he had anxiety. Now he’s keen to encourage others struggling in similar ways. Read More
Down, Not Out: Being a Christian Living With Depression
Chris Cippoloni didn’t set out to be ‘that guy who wrote a book about depression and Christianity’. It began as a few scribbled thoughts as this pastor and teacher tried to make biblical sense of the condition that had led him to hospital. Read More
The Burnout Series: What it is, How to Recover, Burnout in Ministry, and Prevention
In this series, psychologist and burnout expert Valerie Ling looks at what burnout is, how it affects Christians working in pastoral roles, how to treat it, and how to fully recover. Read More
Burnout Begins With Weariness. Here’s How to Stop it Going Further
Here are five tell-tale signs that you’re headed for, or already experiencing, burnout.
Finding Hope in Anxiety & Depression: Pop Star Michelle Williams’ Devotions
Former Destiny’s Child pop star Michelle Williams has shared the hope she finds in her faith, by creating a new devotion series for the popular Bible app, YouVersion. Read More
When Depression and the Spiritual Realm Collide: Emma Mullings’ Story
Annoucer Emma Mullings confronts the issue of depression, and how you can slowly but surely beat the beast. >
5 Signs That It’s Time to Look for a Counsellor
Counselling is a chance to invite a wise mentor to walk with you in the dark places, until you can find your way into the light. Here are some of the signs that you may need support.
18 Ways to Increase Your Happiness, According to Science
Some of these things can be done right now. Others will need to be planned. But all of them are shown scientifically to impact on our happiness for better.
Freedom from Food Addiction and Eating Disorders? “Absolutely Possible” Says Recovered Addict
Many people with eating disorders and food addictions are finding their breakthrough in not only paid counselling but also free support groups. Read More
A Message to Mums of Premmie Babies, and Grieving Parents: “Hang In There, It Gets Better”, says Miracle Babies Founder
Parents who have lost a baby may struggle with deep grief on Mother’s Day – while parents of premature babies may be quietly suffering postnatal depression.
You Could Have Been: The Children’s Book Written For Grieving Parents
After a visit to her baby Xavier’s grave, Ann-Maree Imree wrote a book to help grieving parent read to their child, as though he or she were listening. Read More
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