I covet for you a little experience I had a few years ago. I read a book that opened my eyes to see the world as I’d never seen it before.

That book was Charles Colson’s How Now Shall We Live. Beforehand I’d understood the Christian life to be primarily about getting a place in heaven when you die. That’s still eternally important, but Colson’s book introduced me to the Christian worldview: the idea that God is concerned with the whole of life right now and has much to say about business, politics, art, music, sport, marriage, the environment and everything else.

How do you interpret what you see? Why is there beauty in the world? Why is there evil and suffering too? Why do we long for relationship and dream of a perfect world? Are the good things in the world there for any reason and will the bad things ever get better?

All those questions and more can be understood through a Christian view of the world.

Listen Now
– Part 1: The Christian Worldview

– Part 2: Creation: the good world God created

– Part 3: The crisis in the script that helps us understand what went wrong

– Part 4: God sets out on a mission to fix what we’ve broken

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– Part 5: How does all this affect the way we live now?

Michael Goheen, co-author of Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian worldview.


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