“Catechesis” is the sort of word that most of us avoid or dismiss.

Without necessarily knowing what it means, “catechesis” (pronounced “kati-ki-sis”) sounds like it’s the kind of big word that only lecturers or show-offs would use.

But, according to Dan Anderson, director of Lachlan Macquarie Institute – a provider of residential programs for developing public leaders in wisdom, skill, knowledge and character – we all should throw ourselves into catechesis.

Dan told Hope Mornings that catechesis is an old-school world referring to learning how to live well for God, in the footsteps of Jesus.

Catechesis is an old-school world referring to learning how to live well for God, in the footsteps of Jesus.

Investing in being trained for a godly life should interest us all, Dan said.

Inspired by ancient guidance and recent instructors such as Tim Keller, Dan explained that your “catechesis” life will not just change you for the better.

Society around us will benefit from a considered, sincere increase in the stuff of catechesis.

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