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Listen: Retiring Wesley Mission CEO Reverend Keith Garner AM speaks about the work that has been his passion for 15-plus years
Hailing from the UK, Reverend Garner has been responsible for leading almost 2000 staff members and more than 4000 volunteers across 130 different Wesley Mission centres, since he began as CEO in 2006 – of which he said has been a ‘calling’ more than a career.
“Mr Garner has thoroughly immersed himself in the life and work of Wesley Mission, inspiring those who serve alongside him through his passionate teaching and preaching, and mobilising others through his role as social advocate and spokesperson,” Wesley Mission
Reverend Garner told Hope 103.2 what he believed to be the organisation’s biggest accomplishments during his time in leadership.
“The most important things to me, in terms of business, there are some things we’ve done in terms of incorporation and developing the life of Wesley Mission and retaining a strong Christian emphasis at the heart of things,” he said.
“But, for me, I’ve always felt a passionate heart for those in trouble so to think when it’s all over and I’ve walked away from Wesley Mission, if it were, that we still have that very special place for people who are in need… that for me really counts as such a lot.”
“Calling on faith and business skills, Keith and his team steered Wesley Mission through dramatic government outsourcing and policy changes, the global financial crisis, soaring numbers of vulnerable Australians, Royal Commissions, and COVID-19, to build a resilient organisation, both financially and culturally, serving more Australians in need,” Wesley Mission
His Wesley Mission Highlights
During his 15 years as CEO and Superintendent of Wesley Mission:
- The amount of support provided by Wesley Mission to Australians increased more than 60 per cent
- The organisation moved from an $11 million deficit in FY06/07 to a $4.8 million surplus in FY18/19
- For the past five years, the average annual surplus has been $5.3 million. The balance sheet now holds $220 million in assets
- The organisation consistently ranks as one of the most reputable charities in Australia
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Reverend Keith Garner will officially finish in his position of Wesley Mission CEO at the end of December 2020.
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