RATED: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is rated M for science fiction violence.
AUDIENCE: Star Wars remains one of the most beloved and widespread film franchises ever. So, if you are a fan of movies, chances are you are a fan of Star Wars – and you will be busting to see Rogue One.
WHAT’S GOOD: Hardcore Star Wars fans will claim that just getting a new Star Wars movie is a good thing. But what seems to stand out most for Rogue One is it being a different approach to the Star Wars universe. Rogue One director Gareth Edwards describes the new adventure as a mix between a war movie and a heist movie – and that could bring new blood to this long-running series. On the nostalgic front, though, everything from X-wing fighters to the Death Star and Darth Vader are back in Rogue One.
WHAT’S NOT: Having not seen the heavily guarded Rogue One as yet, it’s impossible to pinpoint anything in it that might make the hair on the back of your neck stand up – or cause you to have serious concerns. The publicity around the return of Darth Vader, though, got me thinking about how cool and appealing Darth Vader can be. As the popular face of the “dark side of The Force” throughout the Star Wars films, the helmet, cape, voice and scheming of Darth Vader are pop-culture icons. But before we rush back in to embrace the dark side, remember the bit about how Darth Vader stands for a way of living which rewards selfishness, greed and control of others.
SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING: We will have to wait to see Rogue One before we can know exactly how much of “The Force” is in this latest Star Wars story. The Force has been a prominent part of this movie universe – a power that fuels existence in positive and negative ways. Plenty of people seem to think such a force could be behind the world we live in and hope we could somehow control the power it offers. In sharp contrast, God’s description of how everything works and fits together is not in terms of a power source that switches back and forth between the light side and dark side. Instead, God’s the power source of the universe – and God is love. While there are negative and bad things within the universe he’s made, those elements are opposed to God – and God’s more powerful than they are. While plenty of us think the idea of living in Star Wars would be terrific, there’s more certainty around goodness, hope and joy in our broken but God-ruled world.
RELEASE DATE: December 15, 2016
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