16 “This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. (THE MESSAGE)
The writer Patricia St John tells the story of a very rich merchant in the olden days. He was a widower with one very precious child. He had servants to do his bidding so he hardly had to leave his sumptuous office to have anything done for him. One day as he worked in his office, he heard a cry from outside. Through the window, he saw that his son had fallen from a tree he was climbing.
The man didn’t ring a bell to summons his servants. He didn’t send one of his retainers to check on his son’s welfare. He rushed to help himself. This was too important a matter to be left to others so he went to offer aid in person.
Which is a picture of what God did when he saw his prized human creation in trouble. He had sent prophets; he caused sacred scriptures to be written. But in the end, he came in person. He came in person to show us what he was like. He came in person to give us the clearest possible revelation of his grace and love and justice.
He wasn’t content to set up an angelic board of enquiry, or commission a white paper on the state of humanity. He knew that when you really want something done, you often have to do it yourself. God so loved the world he didn’t send a committee.
David Reay
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