Read Matthew 19:24

24 I’ll say it again—it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God! (NLT)

The problem with written reports of verbal sayings is that we can never quite pick up the tone of voice, or the facial expression. We may miss a raised eyebrow or smiling lips. It is true with the words of Jesus.

This expression we read today is a joke Jesus is telling. Some have concluded Jesus was talking about a narrow gate in the Jerusalem walls. No such evidence of such a gate exists. We have no need to search for serious analogies all the time. Jesus will use comic exaggeration to make a point. Humour is part of humanity and Jesus as the perfect human being presumably used it and enjoyed it.

He speaks of swallowing camels and avoiding gnats. He speaks of whopping great planks in our eyes. He tells of houses built on sand and going fishing for men. True, there is always a significant meaning to what Jesus says. But he sometimes says things humorously to not only illuminate life but bring a smile to a face.

Life is no joke. Jesus was not a comedian. But he knew the power of language, the power of exaggeration, the power of showing up absurdity. Our Saviour was about serious business, but along the way he told a joke or two.

David Reay

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