So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. (NLT)
Many of us may complain about tiredness. Doing the right things, the right way can drain our energy. Keeping our commitments can be wearying. Though as our text reminds us, the blessings will come eventually: the good we do will not be wasted. So, we don’t give up.
But that doesn’t mean we neglect our own welfare. It does not mean we push ourselves to constant exhaustion. Unless we take care of ourselves properly, we can’t care for others properly. Getting burnt out benefits no one.
And so, we do the usual things like getting healthy sleep, keeping as fit as we can, refreshing ourselves emotionally and spiritually. Taking holidays, reading a book, or playing a sport can all help us battle excessive tiredness.
But there is also such a thing as fatigue. My tiredness may be eased by taking a break. My fatigue is not eased so readily. Fatigue runs deeper. It points to something dysfunctional in my spirit or a more significant health issue. It might be related to depression. It might need some counselling help or medical intervention. Fatigue does not come from simply doing too much.
We all get weary at times. But the key question to ask is this: is my weariness mere tiredness, or is it fatigue? Tiredness may prompt us to slow down. Fatigue may prompt us to dig deeper.
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