Trust God Amidst Change Pt. 2 — Morning Devotions
Now, there are three questions that I’d like to sort of put to you today. Ask myself as well. Can I miss God’s purpose for my life? The answer is, yes, absolutely. You can miss it. Millions of people unfortunately, miss God’s purpose for their life all the time.
Some people do it by accident. Others intend to do that. You can miss God’s purpose by arrogance. That is by saying, well, look, you know, I’m gonna do it myself. I know my own plans. I’m not really that interested or you can be a bit lazy about it or you can live your entire life and never fulfill the reason that you’re actually put on the earth for. And I think that’s a tragedy, but of course, God being the loving God never actually forces his purpose on you.
It’s a choice. And you can say Jesus, I want you to be my Lord. I want to follow your plan. I want to know what the purpose is for my life. You can do that. And you might think, well, can I get back on track? You know, I’ve wasted many years of my life. And the answer again is yes. Absolutely. Because Psalm 33:11, that’s in the Old Testament says his plans endure forever. His purposes last eternally.
Think about that. That means no matter what’s happened up to this point in your life. God’s purpose has not changed because he has not changed. His purpose has never changed. Well, you might say, yeah, but you don’t know about that moral problem. I had, you know, three or 10 years ago. You don’t know about that sin, that stupid decision I made and the wrong turn in life that I made 20 years ago. You don’t know that.
Sure, I don’t. But regardless of what’s happened, God has not given up on you. And that’s a great message for this morning. He never will no matter what you’ve done.
Proverbs 19:21. And the book of Proverbs has some tremendous teaching, it says you can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. Have a look there in a new translation of the Bible. Proverbs 19 verse 21. What about those dumb things that I’ve done and I guess we’ve all done some pretty silly things. The stupid decisions or bad choices are things that I regret. Well, here’s another verse from the Bible and it’s a great one. It’s Romans 8:28 that says we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him and have been called according to his purpose.
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That’s a good verse. We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him. It doesn’t say in some things it doesn’t say in the good things. It just says in all things. It doesn’t say that all things are good. No, of course. No, not everything is good. There’s a lot of evil heartache. I think that you’ve experienced as I have. It says in all things, God works for good. He takes the evils, the tragedy and he turns them around. Don’t ask me how he does it. He just does it. He just makes things work out for good.
God works for the good. And this is a promise there, Jesus. We could say I want, I want to be yours. I want to give you the pieces of my life and you give me your peace for my pieces. I want to give you all that I am. That’s a prayer that you could pray. Now think for example of the disappointments, the hurts that you’ve had or the thing that you regret. What is the thing that you regret most in your life? Well, the dumbest thing that you’ve ever done, or the most hurtful thing that someone’s done to you, do you know that God saw all that before it ever happened?
Yes. And he’s found a way to weave it into his plan and purpose for you. For your growth, your inner growth if you like, for His glory. Isn’t this an amazing God? He’s good. God is good all the time, no matter what you’ve gone through, whether it’s your fault or somebody else’s fault. The Bible says to me that God can use it for good. If you give Him the pieces.
You might say, well, Chris hang on a minute. I’m afraid of the future. What about the changes? I’m talking about change? You know, that’s going to come up and you say, I don’t know whether I can handle this or not. Well, the psalmist says I trust in God. So why should I be afraid? God is our refuge and strength, a tested help. That means he’s proven reliable in times of trouble.
Let’s Pray
Well, dear God, I realize that there are many things in life that are beyond my control. But Lord I need your stability and thank you that in Jesus that can happen. Amen.
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