Stuck at Home? There Are Still Ways You Can Make A Difference - Hope 103.2

Stuck at Home? There Are Still Ways You Can Make A Difference

We're all feeling a little caged right now in the midst of this global pandemic. Maybe you're someone who usually volunteers their time at a regular local community event or for an organisation? You can still volunteer your time from home and have a good social impact.

By Hope 103.2Friday 17 Apr 2020Social JusticeReading Time: 3 minutes

We’re all feeling a little caged right now in the midst of this global pandemic. Maybe you’re someone who usually volunteers their time at a regular local community event or for an organisation?

You can still volunteer your time from home and have a good social impact — especially when something like coronavirus is putting even more pressure on not-for-profits and community organisations.

Choose a Volunteering Option:

Parramatta Mission’s Meals Plus for Sydneysiders in need

Volunteer From Home! You Can Still Make A Difference by Supporting At-Risk Families with Meals Plus

Share your creativity

How cute are these students — making thank you drawings for frontline workers! Maybe you or your kids could draw, paint or sculpt pieces to deliver to a local retirement village — phone ahead first, of course — local cafe, retail workers the next time you head out to do essential shopping or anyone else you think needs a pick-me-up.

Garden or clean outdoor areas

There are two suggestions for this volunteering option. You could:

  1. ask a neighbour or others in your church community if they need help with their gardening; and / or
  2. make a conscious effort to pick up rubbish while out exercising

It has been amazing to see how the world has been ‘cleaning up naturally’ throughout this pandemic, with reports of air quality improving in places like India, and wildlife temporarily taking over some city streets. How much more amazing will it be to return to these cleaner outdoor spaces when social distancing restrictions are lifted.

Mail a hug

Young or old, who wouldn’t want to receive this in their letterbox? It will keep the family (or individual, remember, you’re not too old to get involved!) occupied while you create your personalised hug, and then give you an opportunity to follow it up with a Zoom or phone call.

Hope 103.2 is proudly supported by

This could be a church sunday school activity that’s sent to members in the church who are feeling isolated at this time.

Use the Hope 103.2 Take-Care Card to Shop for a Neighbour

If you know of people in your area or church who are considered high-risk for coronavirus, or are frontline workers at hospitals, schools and more who might find it more challenging to get to the shops for their essential groceries, you might like to slip a take-care card under there door and volunteer to help out.

Foothills Vineyard Church Needs Register

Located at the foot of the Blue Mountains, Foothills Vineyard Church has created a register to help those in their community in need of food, shelter, work, transport, conversation or other. You can register what you need you can cover here, and the Church team will be in touch.

Supporting seniors in your communities

Supporting The Wayside Chapel’s emergency care pack efforts