Where Science Meets Faith: Christian Astrophysicist Dr Luke Barnes on Our Finely Tuned Universe - Hope 103.2

Where Science Meets Faith: Christian Astrophysicist Dr Luke Barnes on Our Finely Tuned Universe

Astrophysicist Luke Barnes brings science and faith together in his book, 'A Fortunate Universe: Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos', revealing the unique complexity of our universe.

By Hope 103.2Friday 10 May 2019Hope BreakfastFaithReading Time: 1 minute

Listen: Dr Luke Barnes chats to Sam & Duncan. Above: Astrophysycist Luke Barnes. Image: UWS

Many people assume science and faith don’t mix – but astrophysicist Luke Barnes believes the complete opposite.

A Fortunate UniverseAs postdoctoral researcher at Western Sydney University, Luke’s specialty is – wait for it – the entire universe. He’s also a man of strong Christian faith, and believes that the incredible balance and fine-tuning in our universe points to a Creator God.

Luke brings science and faith together in his book, A Fortunate Universe: Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos (left). The book focuses on the unique complexity of our universe, and how remarkable it is that life is able to exist here on Earth. It addresses questions like – Why did our universe begin in an almost perfectly smooth state? Why does the universe contain much more matter than antimatter?

Sam and Duncan caught up with Luke to talk about how his faith influences his work and, most importantly, his favourite part of the universe.