By Laura BennettThursday 30 Mar 2023MoviesReading Time: 2 minutes
The Genessis account of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son Issaac is one of the most famous and controversial stories in the Bible: why would God asked a father to do that? What was the purpose of testing Abraham’s faith in that way?
Texas-based filmmaker David Helling wanted to tackle the story head on, studying its significance in Abraham’s life, its link with the overall gospel narrative and how it applies to our modern experience of faith.
In his debut film His Only Son, David takes us in to the world of Abraham and his wife Sarah addressing the question: can your faith still stand when you are asked to give everything?
Can your faith still stand when you are asked to give everything?
“The account at the core of His Only Son is one of the most controversial narratives in all Scripture.,” David said.
“You would be hard-pressed to find another passage so scrutinised, scoffed at or misunderstood.
“With this film, I endeavor to answer the critics as well as the confused by exploring the meaning and purpose of God’s testing of Abraham, when He asked him to do the unthinkable 4000 years ago.

Source: His Only Son Facebook
“I look to shine a light on the plan the Lord had in place from the beginning.
“For us now, the days seem darker than many of us can remember, and at a time when humanity is so downcast, we are in dire need of inspiration to lift us up again.
“May this film serve as a reminder that in the hard times, in the hurt, in the sadness and in the loss, there is a plan, and there is a purpose for it all.”
His Only Son is in select cinemas March 30.
Listen to David Helling full interview with Laura Bennett in the player above.