Above: The photographer really got in the way of Duncan’s face at his first photo shoot.

There’s only three sleeps until “The New Guy” at Hope 103.2, Laura’s new Breakfast co-host, is introduced to the world. 

To help you out until the big reveal, we can tell you his first name – Duncan – and we’ve put together a few extra clues about his identity.

What’s On Duncan’s Desk?

The desk of Hope 103.2 new breakfast Host, Duncan
Clues: Items found during a snoop around Duncan’s desk

Duncan has already moved in to the Hope 103.2 offices, and a snoop around his desk has revealed the following items:

  • A Batman lego toy
  • You and Me Forever – a marriage book by Francis and Lisa Chan
  • A Wolverine DVD
  • A cup decorated with the slogan “Do Justice Love Mercy Walk Humbly”
  • A Tim Keller book called Preaching
  • A classic CS Lewis book, Mere Christianity

What’s Duncan Like? – According To His Kids

According to his children, Duncan is a man who loves peanut butter on toast, plays guitar and piano, loves Jiu Jitsu, and smells like flowers. He is always in a good mood according to his son, who, when asked what makes his father grumpy, answered with, “what’s grumpy?”

We are concerned that Duncan may struggle with a breakfast shift: when asked how he will go with breakfast radio, his son climbed onto the desk and gave a convincing sleeping demonstration.

Duncan’s Official Bio

If Duncan’s bio is anything to go by, this mysterious man has had a very colourful career – the ideal preparation to become Hopeland’s new breakfast announcer.

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Originally conceived at the great Victory Banquet of Smaug, Duncan’s lineage is both chequered and mysterious. It is believed he lived for a number of years masquerading in a Hungarian Folk Troupe before joining the Ecuadorian Special Forces. Duncan can’t share much but does know the secret Herbs and Spices from the Colonel. He also famously helped Coke come up with their secret recipe. He spends his downtime hand-raising peregrine falcons.

Find Out More

To learn the new guy’s identity, tune in to Hope 103.2 between 6 and 9am on Monday, July 4!

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