A delightfully light and fluffy Marshmallow Frosting that looks really impressive on a chocolate cake.


  • 2 tsp gelatin (grass-fed), for setting
  • 2 Tbsp filtered water
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup (100%), heated
  • 2 egg white(s), room temperature
  • A pinch of fine sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (organic)


Heat the maple syrup in a small saucepan and set aside.

Add the water to a small jug and sprinkle over the gelatin, leave to soften.

Set aside.

Add the egg white and salt to a medium stainless steel or glass bowl.

Use an electric beater to whip the egg whites until you have firm peaks.

Pour the hot maple syrup into the gelatin mixture and stir quickly to dissolve the softened gelatin.

Slowly drizzle the maple syrup/gelatin mixture into the beaten egg whites while you continue to beat on high (the hot syrup will cook the eggs whites).

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Stop and add the vanilla, then continue beating for a further 2 minutes to produce a lovely shiny frosting.

Once you have finished beating you will need to frost your cake within 5–10 minutes before the marshmallow firms up.

It’s best to serve frosted cakes on the day.

If you are decorating your cake, place your extra toppings or garnishes so they are nestled in place before the frosting sets.

Note: You can add Marshmallow Frosting to a piping bag to decorate a birthday cake, just work quickly.

If you are decorating your cake or cupcakes with fruit or chocolate chips, you will need to place them before the marshmallow sets.

Article supplied with thanks to Susan Joy and The JOYful Table. Susan is an author of The JOYful Table cookbook containing gluten & grain free, and Paleo inspired recipes for good health and wellbeing.

Feature image: Supplied

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