‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.’ John 9:3 (NIV)
Key points
  • This verse holds significant theological meaning.
  • This miracle demonstrates Jesus as the light of the world bringing spiritual sight and understanding to those who are in darkness.
  • Listen to the ‘Miracles of Jesus’ series and others on Real Hope | The Podcast.

Read John 9:1–12

Verse 3 is a challenging verse and worth the focus.

This response comes after the disciples asked Jesus whether the man’s blindness was due to his own sin or that of his parents.

The verse holds significant theological meaning.

It challenges the common belief at the time, and even now, that suffering or physical ailments were direct punishments for specific sins.

This verse holds significant theological meaning.

Instead, Jesus shifts the focus from blame to purpose, emphasising that the man’s condition is not a result of sin, but an opportunity for God’s power to be revealed.

In the broader context of the Gospel and the book of John, this miracle demonstrates Jesus as the light of the world bringing spiritual sight and understanding to those who are in darkness.

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The physical healing of the blind man shows that God’s works are not limited by human understanding or expectations.

John 9:3 encourages us to view suffering and challenges in a different light.

Instead of seeing them as punishments or something to be avoided, they can be understood as opportunities for God’s work to be displayed.

This miracle demonstrates Jesus as the light of the world bringing spiritual sight and understanding to those who are in darkness.

This perspective invites us to trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness, even when faced with difficulties or suffering that may not have a clear or immediate explanation.

Similar to the seemingly paradoxical statement in James 1 to ‘consider it pure joy whenever you face trials… the testing of your faith produces perseverance’, John 9:3 teaches that God can use even the most challenging circumstances to reveal His glory and His ability to reach into your situation and do what no one else can do.

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Feature image: Photo by CanvaPro

Episode supplied with thanks to Aaron Wright

Originally published as ‘Miracles of Jesus: Healing the Blind Man’ in Real Hope, November 2024

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