The Israelites were in the desert after being freed from slavery in Egypt. It was there, between the experience of slavery and the experience of entering the promised land, that God’s people learned a new normal. One new lesson was around rest (a lesson I’m still learning).
Key points
- “Bear in mind the Lord has given you the Sabbath; that is why on the sixth day He gives you bread for two days…” (Exodus 16:29a NIV)
- God rested (took a Sabbath) on the seventh day of creation and invites us all into a day of rest with Him.
- Listen to the Sabbath Rest series and others on Real Hope | The Podcast.
As slaves, the Israelites would have worked seven days a week. The little they earned from their hard labour would have been just enough to feed their family each day. There was no opportunity to consider taking a full day to rest.
Yet in the desert God not only provided fresh food each day, but He miraculously provided enough on the sixth day so they did not have to gather on the seventh day. This becomes the only day of the week where the manna could stay fresh for two days instead of one. This lesson of trust that we have enough to be able to rest is a lesson for all generations.
He rested (took a Sabbath) on the seventh day of creation and invites us all into a day of rest with Him.
“Bear in mind the Lord has given you the Sabbath; that is why on the sixth day He gives you bread for two days…” Exodus 16:29a (NIV)
This seventh day is a gift from God. He rested (took a Sabbath) on the seventh day of creation and invites us all into a day of rest with Him. This rhythm of work and rest acknowledges God is enough for us. A time to stop working and to remember we’re not slaves but are God’s beloved. Will you decide with me that enough is enough and take a rest day with God this week?
Listen to this episode in the player above.
Sabbath Rest is a six-week series inviting listeners to incorporate this Biblical practice into their everyday life. Subscribe to the YouVersion plan.
Subscribe to listen to this series and others on Real Hope | The Podcast.
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Feature image: Photo by CanvaPro
Episode supplied with thanks to Kathy Henry.
Originally published as ‘Enough’ in Real Hope, Jan-Feb 2024.
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