Psalm 23 is one of the most well-known and much-loved psalms or scripture passages in the whole Bible.
Key points
  • ‘He restores my soul’ offers an immense privilege to live not just for us but for God.
  • May we live in such a way that honours the name of God.
  • Listen to the Psalm 23 series and others on Real Hope | The Podcast.

Surprisingly, it is a best go-to psalm for difficult seasons and funerals, although it is tremendously relevant for normal daily living and is foundational for the Christian life.

There are benefits of having ‘the Lord’ as our shepherd, carer, guide, and comforter. These are more than just ‘nice’ words. They are prophetic faith statements regarding what God has given to every believer. Compare this to Ephesians 1:3 – ‘All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ’ (NLT).

‘He restores my soul’ offers an immense privilege to live not just for us but for God.

Although the psalm offers immense benefits to the believer, such as ‘He restores my soul,’ it also offers an immense privilege to live not just for us but for God. He leads us in right paths (righteousness) for His own name’s sake. Imagine that – a life lived for a higher purpose, for a higher reputation, for a higher name. For God.

David, the former shepherd boy, wrote this psalm from experience when he was still a young man and before he was crowned king. As history proved, when he chose the right path, he brought honour to the name of God. When he chose his own path, he did the opposite.

May we live in such a way that honours the name of God.

We thank God for the beauty of King David’s psalm and for the brutal honesty of his recorded life, and hence, we humbly pray that we may live in such a way that honours the name of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Listen to this episode in the player above.

Real Hope: Psalm 23

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Psalm 23 is a seven-week series. Psalm 23 is one of the best known and loved passages in the Bible. It is the go-to verse for difficult seasons while being foundational for the daily Christian life.

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Feature image: Photo by CanvaPro

Episode supplied with thanks to John Scott.

Originally published as ‘For His Name’s Sake’ in Real Hope, July-August 2024.

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