The Federal Treasurer says job creation is the key to boosting the Australian economy.
Josh Frydenberg will unveil his coronavirus crisis budget tonight, which will include wage subsidies to hire new workers, including apprentices.
Tax relief is also on the way for low to middle income earners.
President Donald Trump will continue to be treated for coronavirus at the White House, after he was given the all-clear to leave hospital.
Mr Trump has tweeted he is feeling the best he has felt in 20-years.
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More than a dozen pubs, cafes and restaurants in The Rocks have been given the all clear to expand their outdoor dining options from next weekend.
The NSW Government is amending Liquor Regulations in a bid to boost the hospitality industry hit hard by the pandemic.
The controversial Koala protection issue will go to State Cabinet today.
The Liberal and National parties say they have done a deal which protects farmer’s property rights and endangered Koalas.
A search has resumed for a Federal Judge missing in bushland near Mount Coot-Tha in Queensland’s south east.
Andrew Guy has not been seen since Sunday morning.
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