The Australian Medical Association says mass vaccination centres for COVID-19 aren’t needed yet.
The doctors group says GPs have the capacity to effectively deliver the AstraZeneca vaccination in the next phase of the plan, which involves people aged over 50.
Capacity on public transport is due to increase on Monday, but the green-dot system will remain in place.
Buses and trains in Sydney will return to 75 per cent capacity.
Face masks will be “strongly recommended”.
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Passenger numbers on Sydney’s new light rail were way below expectations in the first year of operation, which coincided with the pandemic.
An average of 10 passengers a minute got onto the network.
Maximum capacity is 225 people per minute.
Advocates are calling for renewed action to address Aboriginal deaths in custody, 30 years since a Royal Commission handed down its final report.
Most of the more than 300 recommendations are yet to be implemented.
A police officer has serious injuries, after being hit by a trial bike during a pursuit in Maitland last night.
The dirt bike rider has been taken to hospital under police guard.
The US President Joe Biden says the country will begin its final military withdrawal from Afghanistan next month.
It will be completed by the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Fashion designer Carla Zampatti will be farewelled at a State Funeral at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney this morning.
The 78-year-old who worked in the industry for 55 years, died in hospital after a fall at the Opera.
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