It’s the 17th century, and Christians in Japan have been overwhelmed by immense persecution from Japan’s feudal lords. Two priests secretly journey to the country to discover what has happened to their mentor who rumour says is now assisting in the destruction of the church. What they discover is immense faith in the face of torture and death, and a serious question: Does God’s silence in the face of suffering mean He doesn’t care?

RATED: Silence is rated MA15+ for Strong violence

AUDIENCE: Silence is directed by Martin Scorsese and will probably be reckoned as one of his best-executed pieces, so it’s a must for film buffs as well as lovers of historical cinema

WHAT’S GOOD: Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver and Liam Neeson put in incredible performances, as do their lesser-known Japanese co-stars.

WHAT’S NOT: Silence is long – 161 minutes to be precise, so be prepared for a significant evening

SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING: Possibly the best Christian film ever to be produced by a secular Hollywood. The consideration of God’s silence is incredibly nuanced, as is the examination of our responsibilities in the face of persecution. Should we stand up publicly for Jesus, or cultivate a quiet witness when death could be the outcome for speaking.

RELEASE DATE: February 16 2017

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