Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live through a revolution?

In the late 60s and early 70s, a movement sprung up in the United States of America known as “The Jesus Revolution”.

Christians met hippies and took their message of peace and love and aimed it at love for Jesus, believing He was better than their drug-fueled highs and offered a love that outlasted any trip.

Faith-filmmaking duo the Erwin brothers (I Can Only Imagine, I Still Believe) have brought this history to the screen in Jesus Revolution, starring Kelsey Grammar (Frasier), Joel Courtney (The Kissing Booth), Jonathan Roumie (The Chosen) and Anna Grace Barlow (The Big Leap).

Source: Jesus Revolution Facebook

While the film is based on significant Christian history, it’s not overly Christian in its delivery choosing to stay away from preaching to the audience and lingering on theology, rather focusing on characters who are searching for meaning and showing how they found it in Christ.

It’s not overly Christian in its delivery… rather focusing on characters who are searching for meaning and showing how they found it in Christ.

Joel Courtney plays Greg Laurie, a teen looking for the “more to life” his military career hasn’t delivered and spoke to Hope 103.2 about the appeal of this role and the significance of The Jesus Revolution.

Listen to the full interview with Joel Courtney in the player above or the video below.

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Jesus Revolution is in cinemas now.

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