In The Emoji Movie, T.J. Miller voices ‘Meh’, an emoji who is an outcast in the world of Emojis that exist inside your phone, because he won’t settle for just one expression. He teams up with a bunch of other outcast Emojis to see if he can find a digital solution to his problem.

RATED: The Emoji Movie is rated G

AUDIENCE: The Emoji Movie is aimed at primary aged children, though how much experience they will have with mobile texting and apps is questionable

WHAT’S GOOD: All the bits that were ripped off from much better films like Wreck-It Ralph and The Lego Movie

WHAT’S NOT: The Emoji Movie is confusing, slow and cliched.

SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING: There’s not much on offer here except maybe to say that God has created us with more depth than society often permits us, but that’s a real stretch for a very shallow film.


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