In 2008, Jessica Morthorpe started the Five Leaf Eco Awards.

Ahead of the curve when it comes to encouraging Christians to actively care for creation, Jessica split the awards into categories of community life.

As she told Hope Mornings during Sustainability September, the Five Leaf Eco Awards cover buildings, worship, congregation, outreach and local leadership.

Jessica also explained some of the creative ways which church communities in Australia are becoming more eco-friendly.

Solar panels in the shape of the cross, anyone?

Listen to the full conversation with Jessica Morthorpe in the player above.

We are excited to announce that this weekend Our Lady, Queen of Apostles Parish, Stafford in QLD received three Five Leaf Eco-Awards
Our Lady, Queen of Apostles Parish, Stafford in QLD received three Five Leaf Eco-Awards

Nightcliff Uniting Church Five Leaf Eco Awards
Nightcliff Uniting Church Five Leaf Eco Awards

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