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One of the great problems facing people today,especially young people,is that life can appear to offer little purpose or meaning. When many left school back in the 40’s and 50’s,there was no thought of ever being unemployed or have nothing meaningful to do in life. But society has changed over the past 50 years. Life does not now seem to offer the same sort of possibilities for finding meaning and purpose. Many young people finish school only to sit around and wonder what they are going to do with the rest of their lives. It may well be that we need to be encouraging those leaving school to think seriously about their life’s destiny. It is the pursuit of a destiny that will give your life meaning and fulfilment.
In today’s world society majors in the area of material and financial security,but it may well have got it wrong. All the financial and material security in the world will not give you meaning and fulfilment if your life has no destiny. Without a sense of direction,we often find ourselves paralysed by the inability to decide what we ought to do and what is our destiny.
Life,without a sense of destiny,quickly reduces to a dull,pointless and monotonous struggle to survive,finding little meaning or fulfilment in doing the mundane tasks that are necessary to keep life operational. When one discerns a destiny in life,it can ignite the fires of living,providing us with that all important spark of motivation and energy. To know that our lives have destiny gives us the strength to press on with life and living,regardless of how difficult present circumstances may by.
Every human being has a purpose in God’s great plan. We are no mischance of fate,we did not come into this world without some destiny being planned for us. God has a plan and purpose for our lives. Destiny is generally more obvious in hindsight. Often God does not make His plans for our lives highly visible. For Him to do so would not require an act of faith for us. My experience has been that God’s way and leading in my life is one of a vague,wispy sense of something I felt I ought to do. On few occasions in my life God has made His way and will for my personal life crystal clear. Most of the times I have done what it was I thought God wanted me to do.
Hindsight gives me the clear perspective,and I suspect this may well be true of most Christians. We have a vague feeling about what we ought to be doing with our lives,and if that is so,then the only way to find the will of God is to follow that leading and find out. If you have made a mistake God will quickly make it clear that this is not the way he wants you to go. One of the great dangers is that we allow our insecurity to paralyse our lives. We have to embrace our destiny. We have to take hold of the destiny that we believe God has for us with both hands.
Too many Christians miss out on the best God has for them for the simple reason that they never,at any stage in their lives,seriously embrace God’s calling for them. Most of the outstanding men of God in the Bible lived life with a passion. Destiny is a combination of calling and choice. A careful reading of the gospel reveals that there were more than just the 12 disciples. But when it came down to the final act there was only 12 who recognized that their destiny lay in obeying the words of Jesus. I have no doubt that Jesus drew others to Him,but they didn’t stay. They received the call but chose not to follow Him.
Finding our destiny in life depends partly on us. God will call all men and women to follow Him in some particular way; He has a destiny for every person. Whether or not we find that our destiny depends very much on our choice of whether or not we accept His way.
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Jesus said,’If anyone desires to come after me,let him deny himself,and take up his cross daily and follow me.’ (Luke 9:23 NKJV)
No-one ever suggested that finding their life’s destiny would be an easy task. However,the reality is that when someone has a real sense of destiny about their life,many other facets of life and living fall into place like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Do you have a conviction about your life’s destiny? Perhaps,like many people,you are still meandering aimlessly,waiting for that bolt of lightning to hit you and give some extraordinary revelation. In the real world,this rarely happens. God expects us to invest quite a deal of emotional and spiritual energy in seeking the destiny He has for our lives. It is in finding that destiny that our lives develop purpose and meaning.
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