There is so much darkness and confusion around. It is good to know we have a source of light: Jesus. When he says he is the light of the world he is implying three things.

One is that he is a sort of spotlight, illuminating God to us. He shines the light on the character of God by showing us in human life just what God is like. If we want to know what God is like, we first look to Jesus.

Another is that he is a sort of torchlight. If we find ourselves in darkness and reach for a torch, we are trusting it to show us the way forward. Without such light, we do not know where we are going. We may stumble and fall. We may be headed in the wrong direction. So it is that Jesus shows us the way to right relationship with God. His offer of forgiveness and mercy and our acceptance of it is the way we gain entry to God’s perfect presence now and forever

But there is yet another function of light: it shows up just how dark the darkness is. A shaft of bright light in a dark landscape highlights the surrounding darkness. When Jesus came as light of the world, we are told the forces of darkness would oppose him. He showed them up for what they were.

And yet, his light conquers that darkness. If our world seems dark at times, remember that light exemplified in Jesus is the final reality. Light wins.



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