Psalm 34:17-18

The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help.
    He rescues them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
    he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. (NLT)

How good is it that our God is like this. He does not “move with the movers” or associate mainly with those who are powering on and making a name for themselves in church circles. How good that he doesn’t despise us when our hearts break or our spirits are crushed.

The Psalmist often expresses sentiments like this. He is often broken hearted and crushed. And yet he doesn’t lose heart. He realises that God has not given up on him. Though he often wonders aloud whether God is really like that. In this, he is like us. On the one hand, we do believe God is with us and hears us. On the other hand, we sometimes reckon he is deaf and blind to our situation.

Our God is both a mighty and majestic and holy God and also one who takes the time and trouble to bear with those whose lives have become too much for them. We do not worship a God who leaves us behind when we stumble or neglects us when we fail.

Whatever doubts we might have when troubles overwhelm us, we need to cling to promises like this. Being broken and crushed means God is near. Help is at hand.


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