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In Part 1, I opened up this topic of a God who knows everything. People who study the Bible call it ‘omniscience’—one who has all knowledge. The psalmist in Psalm 139:16 said, “You saw me before I was born. The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any of them ever began.”

So that means we have a loving God who knows everything you are going to do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and every moment of every day. So, because he is like that, his knowledge is different to ours. God’s knowledge is not limited. God did not have to attend kindergarten to learn the ABC. What he knows, he has always known.

So it can be a comfort—or unsettling—to know our God knows your secrets. It means that he knows all the things you have done, including those things you hoped no-one would ever find out. So he knows your thoughts and the intentions of your actions. In Jeremiah 16:17 we read this: “My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from me, nor is their sin concealed from my eyes”.

We spend a good deal of time trying to create a good image. We are masters of putting on a good ‘spin’ on whatever we have done or are doing. We’re not that different from the politicians who take opinion polls and adjust their positions accordingly. With a bit of work, anyone can stage something to make themselves look good. We can work hard to cover up our failures or bad decisions.

Even people in churches do that. We can look our best on Sunday with our pious faces, and give the impression we are ‘all together’ and ‘dedicated’ followers of Jesus. But after church, we can lose our temper or gossip about someone. Anyone can present a positive image which may not be really the truth. But we can’t hide all this from God. Others can be fooled, but not him.

God Knows All Your Good Deeds

But God also knows the good things you do. I heard Bill Hybels speak at a conference once, and in one of his books called The God You’re Looking For he said (page 18):

God is the note-taking heavenly observer. He knows about the time you bit your tongue when you could have added to the rumour. He takes notice every time you greet a stranger or visit a person in hospital. Every secret act of character, conviction, and courage has been observed in living colour by our Omniscient God.

Now, that’s good news. All those times you did something special for somebody else, God noticed, even if you thought no-one else appreciated what you did. He knows your heart, and doesn’t miss a thing. No act of love in his name is missed. God has the big picture and knows what we don’t or can’t know.

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He knows where you’re headed in life. For most of us, life is like driving in a fog—you can only see a certain distance ahead. We may plan for tomorrow and the years ahead, but this is tentative. We don’t know what surprise is around the next bend.

But he does. Our Heavenly Father knows where he is taking your life. We don’t just wander around in the dark, because he has a plan, and knows what we will become. He also knows what obstacles and difficulties we will meet up with, and he knows the way home no matter how lost we feel.

So, the best policy is to be honest with him, and tell him how you’re feeling and express it openly to him. He knows anyway, but like a loving Father, he wants you to share with him. If you feel a sense of disappointment in life, remember he knows the big picture and has the answers to the big question, Why? There are many ‘whys’ in life, and sometimes we won’t get an answer in this life.

That’s the time to trust him completely. We may not understand, but that doesn’t mean there is no answer. God’s love is a transforming love, and instead of looking back in regret, look ahead. He will reward every act of faithfulness. He hasn’t missed anything. Entrust yourself to the God who knows what he is doing.

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