There’s not much we can really do about the past. Each of us have got regrets, maybe some strong feelings of disappointment about what we failed to do in the past. But can we really fix it? For better or worse, how we lived in the past will dictate what we do in the present. Not always, but I’m sure it’s true for many people because some of us get stuck in the past. We feel trapped by the past. We repeat our past mistakes, relive our regrets or live in bondage from unforgiveness caused by our past. Wounds and bitterness often comes from the past, it hurts. Overcoming the past seems out of the question. No matter what we do, we go back in our minds about the past and we stress over what we did.
Unpacking Our Past
The sociologists tell us that human behaviour is largely determined by two things. Our parents and our environment. Maybe they’re right. I’m not sure. Too often we believe who we once were is who we are and who we always will be. Now let me say that again, because it’s a crucial piece of truth. Too often we believe who we once were is who we are and who we will always be. But you know it’s not true. There are many parts of our past life that’s got nothing to do with me.
For example, you didn’t choose your parents or your family. What happened to you as a little child was often beyond your control. And there’s no rule that you have to stay the same all your life, especially as an adult. You can make up your own mind about life and where you fit in. The past does not define who you are, but overcoming your past does. It’s never too late to create a better and a happier future.
Regardless of how dark the past is. Remember that bright days are always ahead. It will be uncomfortable, but it’s well worth it. Changes, although not comfortable, but anything worthwhile never is comfortable. So don’t be put off by this.
Wouldn’t it be great if we never had problems in the past? However, most of us know that the past can load us down with baggage, guilt, depression and fear. It can certainly affect us, and everyday people carry scars from their past, and often these scars are still painful and tender. Each one of us is carrying baggage from our past, but it’s important to know that your past doesn’t have to keep you out of the plan of God.
The Bible in Isaiah 43:18, says, “Do not dwell on the past.”
I’ve heard it said that we do not raise above the level of our own beliefs. So what is it exactly that you believe? Do you only believe in yourself and the life you live, your friends, the circumstances around you, or do you have faith in Almighty God and His supernatural power? This is a decision that only you can make. You may need to forgive yourself. What’s happened in the past is guilt getting in the way.
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What We Can Do About The Past
The natural thing we want to do when problems arise and things of the past begin to flare up is to blame ourselves, and that’s a terrible burden to bear. We cannot change the past, but we can change the meaning of the past. We should no longer look on the things of the past in such a way that will impede our future progress. But here’s the good news. God will restore a broken heart and a broken life. You don’t have to pick up the pieces on your own because God will help you. You can see yourself as a new person in Jesus Christ, and some people really do need to move on from the past.
That might be you that I’m talking to with God. All things are possible. The most important question is not ‘where did I come from’, but rather ‘where am I going?’
The past will influence you for good or bad, but your past does not have to determine who you are and what you will become and if you don’t make peace with your past, you cannot stand effective in your present or future. It’s time to reckon with what you thought you lost and start winning with what you’ve been given by God who loves you and says – You’re my child. I love and accept you as you are. Warts and all.
“Trust me today”, He says, “Surrender the past to my love and forgiveness for my son. Jesus died on the cross for you.”
Let’s Pray
Heavenly Father, most of us do need to have a good look at this. The past is the past. But, Lord, you’re talking to us about today and the future. May you renew us to have a good day today. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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