The Catholic Jubilee is underway.

Key Points

  • The Jubilee occurs at least every 25 years.
  • Also known as Holy Year, the Jubilee is a year-long period of prayer and pilgrimage, as well as spiritual renewal.
  • Christ’s sacrifice and salvation is offered to ‘whosoever’ accepts Him – it is an offer presented to you, me and everyone. 

For Christians throughout the world, the Jubilee is an opportunity to “embark on a spiritual journey”.

The Jubilee, which occurs at least every 25 years, “is a special year of grace when the Catholic Church offers the faithful the chance to receive the plenary indulgence, meaning the forgiveness of sins for themselves or deceased relatives,” read a statement.

What is the Jubilee?

The Jubilee, also known as a Holy Year, is a year-long period of prayer and pilgrimage, as well as spiritual renewal.

The first mention of a Jubilee was in the Old Testament, which decreed it should be held every 50 years.

The Jubilee occurs at least every 25 years.

In 1470, Pope Paul II announced there should be a Holy Year every 25 years.

Since then, there have also been “extraordinary” Holy Years, including in 2015 when Pope Francis proclaimed the year as a Jubilee “Year of Mercy”.

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According to the Vatican, a Jubilee “was intended to be marked as a time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation.”

Opening ceremony

The 2025 Jubilee officially opened by Pope Francis in Rome on Christmas Eve last year.

It included the Opening of the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica by the Pope.

The Holy Door is only open during a Jubilee.

“The message imparted by the Holy Door is that God’s mercy reaches out to mankind’s frailty,” according to a St Peter’s Basilica statement.


At his first Jubilee Audience at the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall on January 11, Pope Francis said the Jubilee was an invitation to “begin again” and encouraged people to find hope in their lives.

Hope, he said, is not “a habit or a character trait”, but a “strength to be asked for”.

“Let us start again from this originality of God, which shone in Jesus, and which now binds us to serve, to love fraternally, to acknowledge ourselves as small,” he said.

“Here is the new beginning, our Jubilee!”

Sydney events

The first Jubilee events in Australia were held on Sunday, February 2, in Adelaide and Sydney. In Parramatta, a mass was held in St Patrick’s Cathedral.

In Sydney, the Jubilee of Hope was celebrated on Sunday with a mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.

Also known as Holy Year, the Jubilee is a year-long period of prayer and pilgrimage, as well as spiritual renewal.

Future events in NSW include a mass in Wollongong on Thursday. The Diocese of Wollongong is hosting a 12.10pm mass at St Francis Xavier Cathedral, followed by a lunch.

And on April 3, there will be a Mass for Consecrated Life at 11am at St Mary’s Cathedral.

Year of celebration

As the Jubilee year progresses, events will continue to be organised and people are urged to visit Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) for information.

The events include:

Italian pilgrimage

Pilgrimage is an important part of a Jubilee, with many choosing the Holy Year to visit the Vatican.

“The jubilee calls for us to set out on a journey and to cross boundaries,” according to the Vatican.

The Jubilee pilgrimage “begins before the start of the journey itself –  the starting point is the decision to set out.”

CRA is also organising a pilgrimage for Australian women and men who wish to visit the Vatican during the Jubilee.

For more information visit here.

Feature image: Photo by CanvaPro

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