Author and pastor Tim Keller has asked for prayers as he announced on social media that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in its early stages.

Explaining that he “feels great and has no symptoms”, he has said that doctors found the cancer in what is known as an “incidental pickup” during tests for other things — a discovery that Keller described as “providential intervention”.

In a positive, faith-filled post on Facebook and Instagram, Keller said he would begin chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer next week, and that he has experienced the very close presence of God in this period of finding out about the cancer.

“I have terrific human doctors, but most importantly I have the Great Physician himself caring for me,” he writes. “Though we have had times of shock and fear, God has been remarkably present with me through all the many tests, biopsies, and surgery of the past few weeks.”

Tim Keller post about cancer diagnosis

Keller is the founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, and author of many books on apologetics and the Christian faith, such as The Reason for God, The Prodigal God, Counterfeit Gods, The Meaning of Marriage, Encounters with Jesus, and Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering. He co-founded Redeemer City to City, a church-planting organisation focused on urban ministry in cities around the world.

Keller has asked for prayer for himself, his wife and his family to be comforted and encouraged, and that he will be able to continue his work.

“If you are willing to pray for me, here are things to pray for:

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For God to use medical means or his direct intervention to make the cancer regress to the point of vanishing.

For Kathy and me, that we use this opportunity to be weaned from the joys of this world and to desire God’s presence above all.

For my family to be comforted and encouraged.

For the side effects of treatment to allow me to continue writing and speaking.

Running the race set before me with joy, because Jesus ran an infinitely harder race, with joy, for me. (Hebrews 12:1-2)


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