Hope + Impact - Hope 103.2

Hope + Impact

Today 2627 people are able to hear the message of Hope because of the Hope Builders community.

Every month 786,000 people are reached through Hope 103.2

That’s 26,200 people per day
Or 1,091 people per hour
18 people per minute…

Hope Builders page separator

Every time someone decides to join the Hope Builders Community, through a monthly gift, they are having an impact:
$15 per month = 20 people reached per month
$30 per month = 41 people reached per month
$50 per month = 68 people reached per month
$100 per month = 136 people reached per month

Lives are changed, new stories are written, and our city has a voice of hope because of a decision to build hope.

A decision to become a Hope Builder.

Will you join us?