Community + Passion - Hope 103.2

Community + Passion

Hope Builders is a community of passionate people committed to giving financially each month to support and grow the ministry of Hope 103.2.
More than that; they are using their finances, voices, gifts, time and abilities to be the change they want to see in the world.

Will you join us?

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I saw the encouraging words of Hope 103.2 advertised on the back of a bus yesterday and reflected on how sad it would be if Hope were to disappear from our community. At the bottom of the poster it said “paid for by the listeners of Hope 103.2” and I was convicted to partner with Hope and join the movement to ensure the gospel continues reaching our community on-air throughout 2021. Thank you for bringing hope into our lives – count me in! –Stephanie

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I listen to Hope every day and I love, love this radio station. Thank you for all you do to spread the message of hope we have through our Lord Jesus Christ and I am so excited to be able to partner with you to see more people receiving this gift of hope! ? –Goretti

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Holding my new born baby in my arms has been one of the highlights of my life and donating to Hope means my girls are able to listen to Hope for at least another year. Nothing in life matters if we don’t have hope in our lives and giving back to Jesus through Hope 103.2 doesn’t come close to what he has provided for us! –Jean

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It’s so easy to forget how blessed we are! Sharing my small bit is a small part in maintaining an attitude of gratitude and is something we need to do on purpose. In my family, Hopeland is our normal, it’s who we are and what we stand for – God’s goodness and grace – it’s absolutely beautiful and life changing. It’s so amazing how God works in you all to deliver. He’s glory, light and goodness. How great is our God and truly supreme. Constantly blessings us, Hopeland PRAISE! God, His hand is undeniably on everything you all bring each day THANK YOU ?? Praying for you all in the name of Jesus we walk. Amen. –Veanka

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103.2 is just like a friend that is always there. I couldn’t imagine not having you there whenever I need an encouraging word or song. –Roslyn

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In these times I have seen my world turned upside down. I am a restauranteur who has only been able to return to work three days a week in my profession and I have now become a cleaner as well. Through the challenges of these times I have always had hope and always been able to provide for my family. Partnering with Hope is a way I can pay forward the hope and encouragement that has been given to me in these hard times so that others may have the hope and encouragement in their hard times. Thank you and bless you for how you have helped myself and my family and I hope you will do so for many more years. –Simon

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