By Andrew MorrisTuesday 24 Jun 2014Station NewsReading Time: 3 minutes
Welcome to the LIVE blog for June Appeal 2014. This year’s theme is Be the Spark.
It’s amazing what a spark can do. It only takes a spark to start something new and powerful. For many of us, the moment of our salvation happened when a tiny spark in our hearts prompted us to call out to God.
Hope 103.2 began as a spark of vision in Reverend Vernon Turner’s heart, and it’s still igniting sparks of hope across Sydney 35 years later!
Join us LIVE each day as we bring you all the colour and news from the June Appeal Tally room on the way to the $790,000 target and beyond.
Monday 30 June
6:00pm – THANK YOU AGAIN. The Live tally room closed at 6pm tonight after you funded not only the June Appeal target but a special HEAR HOPE outdoor marketing project of $120,000. This special project will ensure the message of Hope that’s impacted so many Hope listeners will potentially reach the many Sydneysiders who have never heard of Hope 103.2.
Hope 103.2 CEO Phillip Randall and Chairman Stephen O’Doherty thanked Hope’s generous listeners for their continued faithfulness in ensuring the message of Christ continues to transform lives through Christian community radio in Sydney and around the world. They also expressed great thanks to the many volunteers who gave of their time to ensure June Appeal went smoothly. And finally to the staff of Hope 103.2 who also work with passion and commitment to each day transform life, faith and culture with the gospel message of love.
8:00am – The June target of $790,000 was achieved. thank you so much ensuring Hope is fully funded. We now have an exciting opportunity promote Hope across Sydney through an outdoor marketing campaign.
Friday 27 June
7:47pm – Here’s a collection of listener stories from today.
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6:20pm - You can follow us on Facebook for some appeal snapshots as well.
4:45pm - We heard from Warren, and why he considers Hope to be a beacon of hope for his familiy and all of Sydney.
Listen - Warren explains why he supports Hope
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3:15pm - So appreciative of our Hope volunteers!
10:40am - Aaron & Dan from the Tally room on Friday morning.
Thursday 26 June
Wednesday 25 June
8:00am - Thanks Kerri for your donation this morning. She says
"You are in my kitchen, car, at work and on my phone. Love the music, the people, guests, interesting discussions(especially the serious ones at breakfast) and devotions"
and Eliza says
"Thanks for providing an uplifting and safe radio station for the whole family. My kids love Aaron and Dan in the mornings and always ask me to turn it up!"
Tuesday 24 June
3:00 - The time lapse video below gives you a peek inside the Tally Room and the activity of taking your donations to ensure Hope continues in Sydney.
10:52am - Listeners like you share why they're supporting Hope this June
Audio - Listeners share why they support Hope
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10:10am - Check out the video of what your support is doing in lives of people across Sydney.
Tues 9.30 am - Aaron & Dan in the Tally Room as we kick off June Appeal.