I Get Paid to Bring The Fun And Church Inspired Me - Hope 103.2

I Get Paid to Bring The Fun And Church Inspired Me

Meet Tiana Jarmyn. She's a kids entertainer. By choice. And she loves it. And she can explain exactly why.

Listen: Tiana Jarmyn tells Ben McEachen about what it is actually like to be a kids entertainer

By Ben McEachenTuesday 19 Apr 2022Hope AfternoonsWorkReading Time: 2 minutes

Tiana Jarmyn has a fun job. Actually, her job is to create and dish out the fun.

Tiana is a kids entertainer. Working with Sydney-based KidzMantra, Tiana gets to dress up and deliver delight to children at parties and other events.

“I love it,” Tiana told Hope Afternoons.

“You come across so many different wacky things and you discover many different kinds of fun, and how all different types of people have fun … which is fun for me.”

One of the best things about Tiana’s job is she hears the stuff that kids imagine. You can hear the enthusiasm and joy in Tiana’s voice as she lets us know about getting to look through the eyes of a child – at work.

Seeing the excitement on a child’s face as you paint it is, according to Tiana, wonderful.

Tiana didn’t just stumble upon this employment as an after-school job or “pay my way through university” gig. It’s not even a waiting-for-something-better-so-I-will-dress-up-as-Elsa stopgap.

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“It was actually through Kids Church. I absolutely loved everything I did at Kids Church. Connecting with kids, working with kids,” Tiana said.

As you already should be able to tell from Tiana, she chose to be a kids entertainer. She knew that this was the job she wanted to do now because of how much she enjoyed serving children at her church.

“It was actually through Kids Church. I absolutely loved everything I did at Kids Church. Connecting with kids, working with kids,” Tiana said.

“Also, I was always up the front at church, dancing and leading kids in the actions.

“I loved that … so it was through that I thought it was a lot of fun and [then] wanted to do kids parties and kids entertainment.”

I know what you are thinking. How can you possibly show up each day to work, ready to bring the fun? Surely, Tiana, you have off days?

She does but, thanks to her disposition and Christian faith, Tiana’s able to push through and always find the fun.

“I think that because of my faith, I am really grateful for everything. That helps me find all the little joys in life and that carries on into work.”

Listen to the full interview with Tiana Jarmyn in the player above.