By Georgia FreeFriday 24 Feb 2023Hope DriveSocial JusticeReading Time: 2 minutes
Today marks one year since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The past year has seen immense devastation; thousands of deaths, millions displaced, a country ruined. But it’s also seen some remarkable displays of hope, in the midst of darkness and despair.
Baptist World Aid’s Disaster Management Coordinator Kelsea Clingeleffer joined Hope Drive to discuss the current situation in Ukraine and the vital role that Ukrainian churches continue to play in the country.
As it stands, there are an estimated 8 million Ukrainians who have resettled in other parts of Europe, with a further 5.4 million displaced within Ukraine.
Churches have acted as homes and bomb shelters for millions who have been unable to return home.
“Churches were preparing even before the crisis started last year,” Kelsea said.
“People were staying in churches even before the invasion began, because they knew churches were safe.
“We’ve just seen that continue on throughout the year.”
Ukrainian life has returned to a strange kind of normal, despite the constant threat of war. However, churches have remained as lifeboats for those with nowhere to go, as well as bearing witness to moments of happiness and joy.
“There’s been amazing photos of weddings and baptisms, on the same day that pews have to be moved out of the way to act as shelters,” Kelsea said.
“It is hard, but there’s a bigger God that gets to be a part of this journey.”
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Listen to Kelsea’s full interview on Hope Drive in the player above.