Darlene Zschech: Passing On the Baton of Leadership

Darlene Zschech: Passing On the Baton of Leadership

For Darlene Zschech, change has been a lifelong companion.  Starting her career with roles in kids TV and advertising jingles, her first big changes would be to move interstate, become music pastor of Australia’s largest church, Hillsong, and record some of world’s most famous worship songs.Then, over the past decade, her focus shifted as she […]

By Sheridan VoyseyTuesday 24 Nov 2009Social JusticeReading Time: 1 minute

For Darlene Zschech, change has been a lifelong companion.  Starting her career with roles in kids TV and advertising jingles, her first big changes would be to move interstate, become music pastor of Australia’s largest church, Hillsong, and record some of world’s most famous worship songs.

Then, over the past decade, her focus shifted as she began supporting social justice causes like Mercy Ministry, Compassion, and Hope Rwanda. In more recent years, she’s transitioned yet again, passing on batons to younger leaders, and moving into more international ministry.

So you can imagine that Darlene would have much to say on the topic of change. And that’s what she’s done fervently in her latest book, “The Great Generational Transition”. It calls on Christian leaders not to fear the next generation, but to champion them and embrace the radical changes they bring.