By Sheridan VoyseyMonday 26 Jul 2010RelationshipsReading Time: 1 minute
There’s a kaleidoscope of different types of people
• Encouragers
• Carers
• Givers
• Thinkers and Doers.
When they come together, these diverse people can achieve wonderful things. Are you one of those people who’s always hatching a grand new scheme to change the world, but you’re hopeless at doing the paperwork required to make it happen?
Or maybe you’re a thinker – A details junkie, happiest on your own with your nose in a book, and not so good with big crowds of people?
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and according to Keith Henry, if we can identify what they are, we’ll discover our God-given Personality Type, and get closer to fulfilling our purpose in life.
Keith is co-author of a book called My Personality GPS.
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Listen Now - The Encourager and The Teacher
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Listen Now - The Carers, and The Givers
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